Mental Wellness Resources

Directory of Local Mental Healthcare Providers

Zamwell maintains a list of local providers to help Zionsville residents find a provider that’s right for them. We update the list regularly in effort to have the most up-to-date information possible on our site.

If you’re a local provider, please don’t hesitate to reach out to for information about being added to our directory.

Community Education Events

If you’re looking to provide information about mental health and wellness to a group of individuals, Zamwell can help! With our network of community partners, we will work to find a provider who can speak to the issues your particular group needs. Whether it’s a presentation for employees or a panel of a community event, Zamwell is here to convene resources for our community.

Digital Resource Library

Zamwell is working to create a digital resource library that will feature information from experts, as well as individuals in our community who have a lived experience with mental health challenges. The library will host podcasts, videos and blogs on topics ranging from how to submit a superbill to receive reimbursement for mental health care expenses to identifying whether you should see a therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist. We’ll explain various mental illnesses and dig into local issues. Stay tuned for the start of this new and exciting resources, coming in 2024!